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Professor Jerry Rogers (right) with David Gilbert and Richard Wiltshire at the American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Conference and Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary Symposium. Gilbert and Wiltshire co-edited the conference proceedings with Rogers, with Wiltshire serving as lead editor. Professor's Paper Included in Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary Symposium Proceedings

Civil engineering professionals across the nation gathered last weekend in Las Vegas, N.V. to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the completion of the Hoover Dam. The American…
Mechanical engineering student Ethan Pedneau showcases his poster at the 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Day at the University of Houston. Photo by Thomas Shea. Engineering Students Showcase Research at Undergraduate Research Day

At the Cullen College of Engineering, students learn not just in the classroom, but through hands-on work. The University of Houston celebrated the work of more than a dozen of…
Michael Bromwich, director of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, spoke to University of Houston students about career opportunities with the agency. Photo by Thomas Shea. Federal Official Recruits at the Cullen College

The head of the federal agency charged with overseeing offshore petroleum drilling visited the Cullen College this week to recruit undergraduate and graduate students to its…
ECE Department “On the Move” in Latest NRC Rankings

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering made an impressive jump in the National Research Council’s latest…
UH Engineering Junior Wins Poster Competition for Biomedical Research UH Engineering Junior Wins Poster Competition for Biomedical Research

An undergraduate research project at the University of Houston was recognized recently at the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES) Symposium 2010 poster…
Lawrence Schulze, professor of industrial engineering, is commissed as the regional Naval Campus Liaison Officer. Professor Commissioned as Naval Campus Liaison Officer

A University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering professor last week was commissioned in the Naval active reserve as a Campus Liaison Officer (CLO). Lawrence Schulze,…
Assistant Research Professor Qingkai Yu working in the lab with electrical and computer engineering graduate students Zhihua Su and Wei Wu and postdoctoral researcher Zhihong Liu. Photo by Thomas Shea. Professor Taking Next Step with “Nobel” Material

The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics went to the two scientists who first isolated graphene, one-atom-thick crystals of graphite. Now, an investigator with the University of Houston…
Jeffrey Rimer Cullen College Professor’s Work on Cover of Science

Research from a Cullen College of Engineering professor has made the cover of one of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals. The research by Jeff Rimer, assistant…
Jacinta Conrad Researcher Uncovers ‘Walking’ Bacteria

Discovery featured in October 8 issue of Science Sometimes, the smallest things can make a huge difference. Take something as seemingly minor as the way bacteria move. Research…
Omron Omron Gift Supports Senior Design, Scholarships

The Omron Foundation has given $27,500 to the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering to establish an endowed scholarship for students and to support Capstone Design,…