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Student Voices
AI Chat Bots Affecting Higher Education
By Nusayba El-Ali

AI Chat Bots Might Be The Biggest Change To Learning Since Internet

The last great change (that I can think of) in the way students learn was the introduction of the Internet in the early 2000s. Since I was a small child at the time, I have only heard stories about the major impact it had on learning from those who were students at the time. The shift from having to look up words in a physical dictionary to simply having to type on a keyboard stood out to me as transformative.

The next significant change in the way students learn emerged in December of 2022. My younger brother excitedly showed me a new site he described as "a robot that will do anything you ask it to!"

Intrigued yet skeptical, I decided to put it to the test. I asked the chatbot to write me a short poem about trees. To my surprise, within seconds, it presented me with one of the most remarkable poems about trees I had ever read.

In ancient woods, tall and strong,
Nature's guardians, they belong.
Leaves whisper, branches sway,
Trees sing life's melody each day.

Impressed, I delved further and discovered that AI chatbots could generate code in any programming language the user desired. I inputted a prompt from my homework, and just like that, it produced a brilliantly organized and concise solution in a matter of seconds.

Initially, the immediate impact of this new technology on learning was not apparent, as its popularity began during winter break. When I returned to school the following semester, I noticed more and more people making use of AI technology. Whether they needed creative ideas for Instagram captions or assistance in debugging code, the screens of the sites seemed to shine bright wherever I went.

Before I knew it, AI chatbots became a go-to resource for professors, students and working professionals alike. Even during my summer engineering internship, my mentor recommended consulting the site for help in understanding complex code.

With its new popularity, I have begun to realize just how much AI chatbots are transforming the way we learn. They offer students personalized learning experiences by engaging in dynamic conversations. Students can ask questions, seek clarification and receive instant feedback. Worldwide, students are able to access vast knowledge resources at any time and from anywhere. Additionally, AI chatbots enhance problem-solving skills, a crucial aspect of engineering education..

AI chatbots represent a groundbreaking innovation that is revolutionizing the educational landscape. With this being said, it is important to embrace this technology responsibly, mindful of the ethical implications it presents. As AI chatbots continue to evolve, we can only somewhat predict the changes it will bring. As students who learned how to use such bots to advance their education, I am interested to see how its continued use will impact their future careers.

Interestingly enough, when coming up with an idea to end this column, I asked an AI chatbot to give me suggestions. As said by ChatGBT, the world's fastest-growing AI site, "In a world where AI chatbots are reshaping the educational landscape, the future of learning holds endless possibilities.” 

Nusayba El-Ali is a student columnist for Parameters. She is currently studying biomedical engineering at the Cullen College of Engineering.

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