Examples of NSAP project descriptions within the theme “Neuro Skill Advancement for Post-baccalaureate” are given below along with any specific project qualification necessary for success (e.g. specific courses or recommended background).
Project 1: Brain-Computer Interfaces to Help the Body Move Again (Contreras-Vidal, BMI Lab)

Figure 1. Pediatric exoskeleton.
Background: Devices that interface with the nervous system for diagnostic, therapeutic, or restorative purposes are a major locus of innovation in the US. Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI), which translate brain activity into motor commands to external devices such as prosthetic limbs, are designed to help people with motor disabilities move again.14–19 Our Lab at the IUCRC BRAIN has pioneered EEG-based BMI systems for patients with limb amputation, stroke and spinal cord injury. However, these technologies are yet to be fully developed and validated for children or be fully integrated into clinical rehabilitation.
Research Plan: In our proposed project, we will embed NSAP trainees with a team of graduate student mentors, engineers and clinical collaborators in ongoing EEG-based BMIs to exoskeletons for children (Fig. 1) or adults with gait disabilities. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research, including informed consent, data collection, neural decoding, and preparation of technical reports.
Prerequisites: An introductory course in signals and systems and knowledge of Matlab are desirable.
Project 2: Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on the Brain and Balance in the Elderly (Parikh Lab, CNBR Lab)

Background: Falls and fall-related injuries are a growing public health concern in the elderly. When older adults are affected by neurological conditions, the risk of falling increases substantially. Falls and the resulting fear of falls can mark the beginning of a decline in function, participation in social activities, and independence, thus negatively affecting the quality of life. Loss of balance is one of the common precipitants of falls. Older adults often have alterations in the brain balance circuit that cause ineffective responses to prevent a fall when the balance is challenged. In this project, we will examine the effects of an MRI-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) protocol on the brain balance circuit assessed using electroencephalography and balance behavior in elderly individuals.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to investigate how the magnetic stimulation of the brain influences the network for balance control within affected and non-affected hemispheres in stroke patients. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research including informed consent, data collection & analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: An introductory programming course, preferably using C/C++ and/or Python is desirable.
Project 3: Neuromuscular and Kinematic Analysis of Trips and Slips of Post-Stroke Individuals in Preparation for Developing Robotic Orthoses. (Layne at University of Houston)

Figure 3. A: Exoskeleton and EEG. B: EEG data collection cap.
Background: Falls are the leading cause of death, injury and hospital admissions among elderly population. With an estimated B52 on direct cost of medical care for falling in 2020, fall prevention is an important area of public health research. Understanding how post-stroke individuals respond to slips and trips while attempting to maintain their balance is an important step in the development of robotic orthoses. Wearable robotic devices are being designed and tested to assist elderly population and other patients with locomotion disabilities (i.e. post-stroke survivors, spinal cord injured individuals, those with cerebral palsy, and others). Such devices are characterized by the implementation of traditional electric motors with large gear reductions necessary to achieve the required high torques but at the price of reduced response velocity. Recovering a loss of balance involves quickly activating and engaging multiple muscle groups. Rapid joint activation is imperative to enable adequate response time of the mechanical components of such wearable devices. Early identification of fall-related EEG can be used to quickly activate the motors of the wearable device in time to prevent the loss of balance.18 Additionally, it is critical to identify how the body responds when trips and slips are introduced during walking and how those response are moderated by EEG activation.
The goal of this project is to document the neuromuscular (EMG) and kinematic (joint angle motion) responses to slips and trips of post-stroke participants and relate those responses to EEG activation occurring immediately after an unexpected slip or trip.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to identify the lower limb neuromuscular and kinematic response patterns when post-stroke individuals are exposed to slips and trips. Participants will be outfitted with surface EMG electrodes and reflective markers which will be visible to the infrared camera motion analysis system. The participants will also be outfitted with a 64-channel EEG collection cap. During data collection, participants will walk on a split-belt motorized treadmill and at unexpected times the treadmill one of the treadmill belts will either speed up or slow down inducing a slip or trip, respectively. Data collection conditions will include trials when the participants will be wearing an unpowered exoskeleton and other trials when no exoskeleton will be worn (Fig. 3). This will enable us to determine how passive exoskeletons influence the response to the unexpected walking perturbations. Analysis will focus on identifying on relationships between EMG, EEG and joint kinematics. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research including informed consent, data collection & analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: An introductory programming course, preferably using MATLAB and/or Python is desirable. Knowledge of basic muscle physiology and biomechanics is also desirable.
Project 4: Diabetes and Memory Deficits in Underrepresented Middle-Aged Women with Type 2 Diabetes (Gorniak, CNBR Lab)

Background: The goal of the proposed project is to identify the origins of memory deficits in middle-aged, underrepresented women with Type 2 Diabetes (DM). Underrepresented women experience the most severe long-term consequences of DM, including development of dementia; however, we have limited insight into the complex causes of poor brain health in this population. In this project, complementary data from a variety of sources are collected to improve understanding in how memory deficits manifest early in this population.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to investigate how the changes in cortical function correlate with cognitive and sensorimotor functions in older adults with T2D. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) will be used to measure cortical function differences between persons with T2D and healthy age- and sex-matched controls. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research including informed consent, data collection & analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: Introductory course work in: Anatomy & Physiology and Psychology. Coursework in foundations of functional neuroimaging would be ideal, but not required.
Project 5: Microanalysis of Center of Pressure (Bickley at Texas Woman’s University)
Background: A system of microanalysis of Center of Pressure (CoP) on a pressure mat has been developed and shown to be a reliable and valid measure of standing balance in the pediatric population. Normative standing CoP data has been collected in the 7-year-old to 18-year-old age group has shown to have high reliability and validity as compared to simultaneous collection on force places. In addition, standing CoP data has also been collected using a pressure mat system on a cohort of ambulatory children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Of the 21 CoP variables included in this microanalysis of CoP, five specific variables were found to be particularly sensitive and discriminative in distinguishing between differing types of CP within this cohort. This new standing balance assessment using microanalysis of CoP is proving to be a promising new outcome measure. This microanalysis of CoP has promising implications for the adult population as well. Research is needed to collect additional normative data using a plantar pressure mat as well as analyze what the differing CoP variables mean clinically.
Research Plan: A summer research project working with Dr. Bickley would involve advancing this research agenda.
Prerequisites: An interest in analysis of movement and upright stability.
Project 6: Neuromusclar Coordination-guided Rehabilitation after Neurological Disorders (Roh at University of Houston)

KAIST Upper Limb Synergy Identification System.
Background: Stroke induces alterations in neuromuscular coordination. As the level of motor impairment increases, the prevalence of abnormal motor coordination increases. Is there any way to improve impaired motor coordination through human-robot interaction? If so, how? Students will be involved in scientific investigation and engineering application development in relation to the topic.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to investigate whether a novel rehabilitation exercise by using human-machine interface induces newly emerging intermuscular coordination patterns in the upper extremity of stroke survivors with severe impairment. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research including informed consent, supporting research participants’ training, data collection & analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: An introductory programming course, preferably using MATLAB is desirable.
Project 7: Robotic exoskeletons for gait assistance and locomotor training. (Chang and Francisco at University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and Neurorecovery Research Center at TIRR Memorial Hermann)

Figure. Lower limb wearable robotic exoskeletons.
Background: The ability to recover walking remains a crucial predictor of quality of life for individuals with neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries, strokes, brain injuries, and multiple sclerosis. Gait is not only a vital activity in daily life but also helps reduce secondary complications that often arise from a sedentary lifestyle due to neurological injuries, such as cardiovascular deconditioning and bone mass loss. The advent of advanced robotic technology has led to increased interest in the use of wearable robotic exoskeletons for mobility and locomotor training in neurological rehabilitation. One significant advantage of robotic exoskeleton-assisted gait training is that these devices are powered by motors and actuators, which facilitate repetitive movements, such as walking. This sustained activity promotes maximal practice effects during retraining, and the task-specific training can induce neuroplasticity by modulating neuronal excitability and connectivity at both the spinal and supraspinal levels, ultimately improving walking ability and the overall quality of life for individuals with mobility impairments.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to explore how robotic exoskeletons can be used for mobility assistance and locomotor training in individuals with neurological conditions, incorporating neuromuscular modeling. NSAP trainees will participate in data processing, analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: An introductory motion analysis course using MATLAB is required.
Project 8: User-centric approach in research and design for a pediatric exoskeleton (UH Health Design Lab, Morshedzadeh)

Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. Only in the U.S., 1 in 345 children has been identified with CP[2]. Over half of the CP children fall under the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) Level I - II, who can walk independently with some irregularities[1], [2] and 7% - 11% of children with CP fall under GMFCS Level III and can walk with assistive devices[1]. Any new technology that can assist with gait diagnostics, as well as rehabilitation need to aim to address the unique needs of children with cerebral palsy and their caregivers through the lens user-centered design approach with focus on adaptability to a child's growing body, ease of use, and aesthetic appeal to encourage long-term acceptance (Fig.1 and 2). This innovative approach seeks not only to improve physical functionality but also to positively impact the overall well-being and social integration of children with cerebral palsy and their quality of life.
Research Plan: In this proposed interdisciplinary project, NSAP trainees will be collaborating with a team of graduate student in engineering in ongoing exoskeletons for children. NSAP trainees will be involved in all stages of design process, such as research, user research and user journey analysis, observation and data collection, design, prototyping with soft goods and early prototype testing.
Prerequisites: An introductory course in user research and design process as well as basic knowledge in prototyping and 3D modeling. Experience with softgoods design is desirable but no required.
Project 9: The Neural Basis of the Creative Process in Dance and Music (Contreras-Vidal)

Background: Music and dance are powerful neuromodulators that affect multiple brain systems, and thereby our mood, movement, creativity, emotions, social interaction health and wellbeing. However, most studies investigating the neural basis of music and dance have been constrained to lab settings and methodologies that prevent the study of the brain “in action and in context” in ecological settings.
Research Plan: In this project, we will embed NSAP trainees with a team of neuroscientists, engineers, musicians, dancers, choreographers, graduate and undergraduate researchers, and clinical collaborators. NSAP trainees will work closely with Dr. Contreras-Vidal and his team to examine how the brain of dancers and/or musicians are engaged and communicate with each other during performance. NSAP trainees will have opportunities to be involved in designing brain-computer interfaces based on inter-brain synchrony measurements, functional mapping and other neuroscience and neuroengineering tools. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research informed consent, data collection and analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of MATLAB programming, signal processing, biomechanics, music, dance or art therapy is desirable.
Project 10: Quantifying Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy (Parikh, CNBR Lab)

Background: In the United States, cerebral palsy (CP) affects 3-4 per 1000 live births (CDC) with hemiplegic cerebral palsy comprising 30% of cases. CP impairs the spontaneous use of the hand for daily manual activities, thus affecting functional independence and diminishing their quality of life. Current clinical tests only provide a qualitative assessment of performance via observation (i.e., a rating scale) or through perceptual judgment and/or they focus on the speed/time to complete the task. We have developed an objective activity-based measure of hand function in children, the Bead Maze hand function (BMHF) test (see the figure). The test has been implemented in typically developing children (Rose et al, 2024; American Journal of Occupational Therapy). Here, children are required to perform a multi-joint movement to complete an unimanual functional task of positioning and/or orienting the bead in relation to the wire. The forces imparted on the wire while maneuvering the bead and the test completion time are quantified. The test is designed to capture sensorimotor behavior for manual activities.
Research Plan: We will pair NSAP trainees with graduate student mentors to study whether the BMHF test can be used to capture hand function in children with CP. Another aspect of the project will focus on identifying suitable biomarkers or predictors of impairment using advanced statistical methods. NSAP trainees will be involved in all aspects of the research including informed consent, data collection & analysis, and dissemination of research findings.
Prerequisites: An introductory programming course, preferably using MATLAB.