Additional compensation cannot be paid from research funds. Faculty cannot receive any overload or additional compensation unless he/she is teaching and/or being paid by Continuing Education or Distance Education. Staff, not paid from a grant cost center, may, however, receive these payments on a case-by-case basis on approval of the Provost.
MAP.02.1.06: Additional Compensation: Pay from UH for work performed outside the employee's normal duties and outside normal work hours. In addition to the employee's regular base salary. Work performed for the University of Houston outside of the employee’s normal duties and outside normal work hours is considered an overload assignment.
Addendum to request for additional compensation (only for staff) need to be submitted with Staff Additional Compensation form, the College’s additional Compensation worksheet, Reappointment Agreement (if needed), and the Justification (on how work hours will be completed and how work
Overloads for Staff teaching
Send originals documents to Dean’s Office
- Non Tenure track Reappointment form
- Request for Additional Compensation
- Staff Addendum
- College additional compensation worksheet
- Non Tenure reappointment forms will be approved by the Dean’s Office and returned to the department.
- Departments will create ePAR with Reappointment form uploaded and submit to Dean’s office.
- College will forward Request for Additional Compensation for additional approvals.
- College will upload approved additional compensation forms after HR has approved and forward to Provost Office.
Overloads for Faculty
- Submit hardcopy of the Request for Additional Compensation and College additional compensation worksheet with department signatures.
- After College signatures are obtained, forms will be returned to department to upload to ePAR.