Baseline Standards
Baseline standards are reviewed and updated at a minimum on an annual basis. Each department is responsible for updating their Baseline Standards during the year and saving a copy on the Business Operations shared drive (Business Operations\DBAs\Baseline Standards_Engineering). The documents are submitted by the College to General Accounting each year via a SharePoint site.
Business Continuity Plan
The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is updated at a minimum on an annual basis (before June 1 each year). The template and forms for the BCP can be found here: Once the BCP is completed each year, it should be uploaded to the Business Operations shared drive (Business Operations\DBAs\Business Continuity Plan) and will be sent by the College to the UH BCP coordinator.
PeopleSoft Finance Security Audit
Reviewed annually by Dean's Business Office and submitted to Controller's Office SharePoint site.
Campus Solutions Security Audit
Reviewed annually by Dean's Business Office and submitted to Controller's Office SharePoint site.
Cash Handling
Should be updated yearly. A copy of the College's Cash Handling Procedures can be found on the Business Operations shared drive (Business Operations\DBAs\Baseline Standards_Engineering).
HRMS Security Audit
Reviewed annually by Dean's Business Office and submitted to Controller's Office SharePoint site.
Mandatory Training
College Responsibilities
- Notify Departments about deadlines and guidelines
- Verify training list for all business processes
- Run weekly reports and post to the class share drive
Department Responsibilities
- Communicate with employees about the deadlines and compliance requirements
- Verify training list for business processes including P/T Card
- Review weekly reports and work with HR to resolve any issues
Required Trainings
All employees should have the following:
- Fraud Awareness
- Code of Ethics
- Secure Our Systems
Full Time Exempt Employees:
- Rel Party /External Cons
P/T Card Holders:
- P Card Cardholder
- Rel Party /External Cons
Anyone who can come into possession of individually identifiable health information:
Texas Medical Privacy Act
Property Custodian
Updated yearly before the start of a new fiscal year. The form (PRP-6A – Designation of Property Custodian) may be found here — Form is submitted to the Executive Director of Business Operations for signature, then returned to department for submission to Property Management. If a department wishes to change the property custodian at any point during the fiscal year, they should submit a PRP-6B — Change of Property Custodian form which can be found here —