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Subsea Engineering Program College Launches Subsea Engineering Program

The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has officially launched a Subsea Engineering Certificate Program, the first and only formal subsea curriculum in the United…
Carnegie Foundation Gives University of Houston its Highest Classification for Research Success, Elevating UH to Tier One Status

In what promises to be a transformative moment in the history of the University of Houston, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching announced Tuesday that UH has…
Richard Willson UH Professor Richard Willson Named 2010 AAAS Fellow

University of Houston professor Richard C. Willson has been named a 2010 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which is the world's largest…
Peter Vekilov Professor Named Fellow of the American Physical Society

For pioneering research in the areas of crystallization and protein aggregation, Peter Vekilov, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has been named a fellow of the…
Badrinath Roysam Professor Leading Multi-Institution Neural Implant Research Effort

Prosthetic limbs that can be controlled by the mind aren’t the stuff of science fiction any more. Such devices, which users operate through a neural implant that translates…