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Meet Shivaani Suresh Kanna, Spring 2023 Engineering Technology Luminary Award winner
Alex Keimig
Shivaani Suresh Kanna has been named the recipient of the Engineering Technology Luminary Award for 2023 from the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering.
Shivaani Suresh Kanna has been named the recipient of the Engineering Technology Luminary Award for 2023 from the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering.

The Engineering Technology Luminary Award recognizes top-performing students who have demonstrated excellence in engineering technology in the Technology Division at the Cullen College of Engineering. Shivaani Suresh Kanna has been named the recipient of the Engineering Technology Luminary Award for 2023.

This award is accompanied by a donation from the Engineering Technology department. We did a Q&A with Kanna about this honor.

What was the first thing that went through your head after learning that you would be this semester's ET Luminary award recipient? 

I was absolutely stunned and initially I had a mix of emotions. It took a moment to process that I was selected to receive the ET Luminary award. My first thought was to call my family to share the news with them. Then, I felt a surge of gratitude to the Engineering Technology department members who nominated and recognized my hard work. I’m deeply honored and humbled to receive such recognition.  

What has the road to get here looked like so far? Was it smooth sailing, or a bit of a bumpy ride? 

The road to get here was definitely a bit of a bumpy ride. I faced numerous challenges and failures along the way that I had to overcome. However, I believe that those experiences made me stronger and more resilient.

Moving to different places and transferring schools has always been a challenge for me since childhood, but having to adapt to new environments and meet new people has given me valuable knowledge and skills for the real world. I’m grateful for the experiences I have had and the people who have supported me during difficult times. 

What are your post-graduation plans? How will this award allow you to continue to shine on your journey forward? 

I plan to continue my education and attend graduate school. Receiving this award is a great honor and recognition of my dedication, and it provides a strong sense of motivation to continue working towards my goals.

With this recognition, I feel more encouraged and driven to excel in my field and make a positive impact. I hope to use this award as a stepping stone in pursuing my passion and continue to learn and grow.  

What's one piece of advice or wisdom that you'd like to share with any prospective (or current) Engineering Technology students? 

My advice to any prospective or current Engineering Technology students is to persevere and make new connections. Pursuing a degree in this field can be a challenging journey, with difficult classes, the stress of exams, and adapting to new environments. But it’s important to stay motivated and push through the tough times, as the reward of graduating with an Engineering Technology degree is worth it.

I would also encourage students to actively seek out opportunities to make connections with their peers and professors. Attending career fairs and getting involved with clubs or organizations related to their field of interest can be valuable ways to network and build relationships.

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