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Cullen College of Engineering Desk Manual Policies and Procedures

General Guidelines

  1. Contracts must be executed prior to the start date of the contract.
  2. All Contracts must include the following:
    1. Contract Coversheet
    2. Actual Contract signed by the vendor.
    3. Recommendation for Award
  3. Contracts should be submitted to the Dean’s Business Office to the Executive Director for Business Operations.  They can be hand delivered or you can send the original through interoffice mail.
  4. Contracts that are between $5K ($3K if federal funds) and $25K require 3 quotes – 2 of which should be from HUB vendors
  5. All contracts must be encumbered on a PO. Contracts expected to be over $25K should be posted and procured via RFP
  6. Contracts over $25K must be approved by the Office of Contract Administration & the Provost. Submit electronically to contractadmin [at] (contractadmin[at]uh[dot]edu) after the Dean’s signature is obtained. Contracts that require only the Provost signature will be scanned to the Provost Business Office. Once approved, the Executive Director of Business Operations will forward the contract back to the department.  Contracts should not be sent directly to the Provost or the Dean.
  7. If the service (s) being provided by the vendor is proprietary, a sole source justification can be submitted to purchasing for their review and approval. If approved, the requirements for quotes/RFP can be forgone.


Standard contracts under $25K need to be submitted to the Dean’s office at least one week before the start date.

Office of Contract Administration requires 15 business days to review contracts including nonstandard agreements, affiliation agreements and contracts over $25K. These must be signed by the Dean. Please submit to the Dean’s office at least 20 business days prior to the start date.

Non Grant contracts which are submitted late will require a MAPP exception in order to be processed for payment.

Contracts for Fund 5 must use the contract forms from the Division of Research.

Contract Documents are available on the General Counsel’s website at