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Meet the Faculty Mentors

Each of the UH and HMRI faculty mentors are listed beneath their project titles. To learn more about a faculty mentor, please click on their name.

Project Title: Cytokines and costimulatory factors in T cell survival, activation and regulatory function
  • HMRI Mentor: Xian Li (Immunobiology and Transplantation Research)
  • UH Mentor: Tianfu Wu (Biomedical Engineering)
Project Title: Understanding and Modeling Nanoparticle Transport During Drug Delivery
Project Title: Engineering Models to Investigate the Impact of Immune Deficiencies and Malnutrition and Mtb Metabolic Fitness and Persistence
  • HMRI Mentor: Edward Graviss (Pathology)
  • UH Mentor: Elebeoba May (Biomedical)
Project Title: Minimally invasive techniques to assess the recovery of bladder function after spinal cord injury interventions
  • HMRI Mentor: Alvaro Munoz (Neuro-Regeneration)
  • UH Mentor: Yingchun Zhang (Biomedical)
Project Title: Synthesis of H2O2 Nanocatalysts for Next Generation Point-of-Care Volumetric-Bar-Chart-Chip
Project Title: Exploiting the distinct mechanical characteristics of cancer cells for optimizing cellular transport
Project Title: Nanodelivery system for cardiac tissue engineering
  • HMRI Mentor: Ennio Tasciotti (Nanomedicine)
  • UH Mentor: Ravi Birla (Biomedical)
Project Title: Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Multimodal Assessment of Tissue Architecture, Morphology,and Function
  • HMRI Mentor: Stephen Wong (Systems Medicine)
  • UH Mentor: Kirill Larin (Biomedical)