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Readmissions Procedure Form

This form is for engineering undergraduate students that are seeking readmission from Engineering Suspension for the Fall 2024 semester. 

The policy can be found here.

Spring 2025: December 1, 2024

Please NOTE: Students on suspension are not eligible to apply for the summer semester.

Along with this form,  students are required to submit a Statement of Readiness. 

The Statement of Readiness is to explain why you should be readmitted to the Cullen College of Engineering.  This statement must be clear and well written.  The statement must explain what went wrong, which caused the suspension.  The statement must explain what will be changed to make sure that academic success will occur in the future, and how you know that those changes will solve the problems.  All related issues, with appropriate levels of detail and information, must be addressed in this statement. 

Please NOTE: Readmission from engineering suspension is not guaranteed. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Each such request will be reviewed holistically. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval. Requests are denied/approved on a case by case basis.

Engineering Suspension is independent of University Academic Suspension. 

Information on University Academic Standing can be found here.
Information on Readmission for Former Student can be found here.

Readmissions Procedure Form