Important Dates and Helpful Information for Students (Officially Enrolled in Courses)
Enrollment Schedule:
Refer to the university Enrollment Schedule for enrollment dates
Academic Calendar:
Refer to the university Academic Calendar for all academic dates
It is the responsibility of the individual student for official enrollment into a course by the enrollment date. Students who are not officially enrolled by the VIP Period may not continue attending class or receive a final grade.
UH Sessions Class Listing
UH Sessions gives you options in pursuing your degree by providing a variety of courses to help you get ahead or stay on track. Use the UH Sessions Class Search to find courses in the Spring or Summer short sessions.
It is the responsibility of the individual professor to set attendance guidelines for a course. Check with your individual instructor on their course policy. Students are responsible for verifying whether they have been dropped from a course.
Dropping Courses
Dropping Courses call VIP 713-743-8484 or Online
Before dropping courses, graduate students must see their graduate advisor, international students must see an international student counselor, and athletes must see the assistant to the director of athletics. Supported students and students holding a F-1/J-1 visa cannot drop below the required number of hours. View the deadline dates. Students are responsible for verifying whether they have been dropped from a course. Students are encouraged to call VIP or use the Online Enrollment Services.
- Graduate engineering students will submit their drop form in their major department to the Graduate Admissions Analysts.
- Undergraduate engineering students will submit their drop form in their major department to the Undergraduate Advising Assistant.
Medical Withdrawal for Undergraduate Students
Refer to Undergraduate Catalog—Withdrawal
Grade Assignment
Refer to Undergraduate Catalog—Final Grade Reports
Grades will be awarded only to students who are still officially enrolled after the last day to drop or withdraw from a course without receiving a grade. Students may use the Voice Information Processing (VIP) system to check grades for the semester. Grades are posted on a nightly basis following final exams.
Students are encouraged to contact the instructor of record or submit written requests to the department chair whenever questions arise concerning a grade received in a course. Students have 90 days after the posting of a grade to appeal. To appeal a grade, students must submit a completed General Petition Form or written request to the department where the course is offered no later than the close of the fall or spring semester/summer session following the posting of the grade. Faculty are required to retain all evaluated student material for a six month period after the end of the last class of the semester evaluated.