Graduate Academic Policies
Cumulative Grade Point Average
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation from the master's or doctoral program.
- The cumulative GPA and the Low Grade Policy (Academic Warning and Probation see next section) requirements are based upon all of the student's graduate work taken at the University of Houston, including repeated courses and undergraduate courses, for which grade point values are assigned.
- In addition, grades from graduate courses transferred from other universities are not included in the cumulative GPA for graduation.
Incomplete Grades
The grade of "I", which is conditional and temporary, may be awarded when a student is passing a course but for non-academic reasons has not completed a relatively small portion of the requirements. The procedure for having an "I'" grade awarded are:
- The instructor, using the Incomplete Grade Agreement form (available in major department), must prepare a "Statement of Conditions," and indicate a time schedule to be met by the student.
- The student must contact the instructor as soon as possible to sign the agreement form.
- Failing to complete the requirements will cause the "I" to automatically change to an "F" within one year of the date when the "I" was awarded.
- The grade of "I" may not be changed to a grade of W, but may only be changed to another letter grade.
- Students should not reregister for courses in which they previously received an "I" grade; this will not result in removal of the "I".
- After the course work is completed, the instructor must submit a change-of-grade form to change the "I" grade to the grade earned.
Grades of "I " are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average. A change of grade from "I" will affect the cumulative GPA only in the semester in which the "I" is changed and thereafter.