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Seven UH Engineering Students Win 2019 ASIE Scholarships
Rashda Khan
ASIE 2019 Scholarship Winners courtesy photo from ASIE
ASIE 2019 Scholarship Winners (courtesy photo from ASIE)

The American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects (ASIE) awarded seven of their 22 engineering scholarships this year to students attending the UH Cullen College of Engineering. The selected undergraduate and graduate students represent six of the college’s seven engineering departments.

Here are the UH scholarship winners:

Engineering – Undergraduates

  1. Rukaiya Batliwala, mechanical engineering
  2. Raina Jose, biomedical engineering

Engineering – Master’s students

  1. Veerabhadra S. Denduluri, petroleum engineering
  2. Arifa Sultana, electrical engineering
  3. Pratik Ghatake, industrial engineering

Engineering – doctoral students

  1. Garima Singh, chemical engineering
  2. Yogeshwari S. Ambedkar, biomedical engineering

ASIE, a Houston-based non-profit organization, strives to encourage students of Indian descent to pursue careers in engineering and architecture. The award winners received their scholarship checks at ASIE’s Annual Holiday Dinner on Friday, Nov. 15, 2019

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