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Texas Center for Superconductivity Announces 2015-2016 Scholarship Recipients
Audrey Grayson

The scholarship committee for the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston is pleased to announce the TcSUH scholarship recipients for the 2015-2016 academic year, each of whom will receive a $2,500 award. The qualifications and achievements of the nominated students were exceptional, and final deciions were difficult. We are fortunate to have such a talented group of students who conduct research in TcSUH's multidisciplinary groups.

Congratulations to the following students!:

Houston Electrical League Scholarships

  • Mojtaba Asadirad, Ph.D. ME student, Prof. Jae-­Hyun Ryou, advisor.
  • Apeksha Awale, Ph.D. ECE student, Prof. John C. Wolfe, advisor.
  • Manmohan Singh, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering student, Prof. Kirill V. Larin, advisor.
  • Zhen Yang, Ph.D. Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering student, Profs. Zhifeng Ren/Richard Willson, advisors.

Cora Hawley Scholarships

  • Ying Gao, Ph.D. Materials Engineering student, Prof. Venkat Selvamanickam, advisor.
  • Meysam Heydari Gharahcheshmeh, Ph.D. Materials Engineering student, Prof. Venkat Selvamanickam, advisor.

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