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PROMES 40th Anniversary Endowment Fully Funded
Audrey Grayson
PROMES 40th Anniversary Endowment Fully Funded

The “40th Anniversary PROMES/Shell Engineering Retirees Scholarship Endowments in Honor of Dr. Gerhard Paskusz and Dr. Katherine S. Zerda” in the amount of $40,000 was announced on May 31 at the PROMES 40th Anniversary Reconnect and Mixer event. Ten Shell retirees jumpstarted the fund with a combined $25,000 commitment.

Now, the UH Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce that the PROMES 40th anniversary endowment is fully funded in the amount of $40,000. The Cullen College's initial goal was to raise the $40,000 in two years. However, by this January, the endowment is expected to be funded in the amount of $52,000.

To read more about the PROMES 40th anniversary endowment, please click here.

To make a donation to the PROMES endowment, please click here and choose "40th Anniversary PROMES Endowment" in the "Department or Program" drop-down menu.

View photos from the PROMES 40th Anniversary Reconnect and Mixer here.

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