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News Profiles ECE Chair
Melanie Ziems

Most Cullen College students recognize Dr. Badri Roysam walking down the hall. After all, Roysam is the chair of the electrical and computer engineering department and a popular face in the engineering complex at the University of Houston.

However, students might be surprised to learn that outside of UH, Roysam loves to cook and take photos, and his favorite book in high school was Physics by Robert Resnick and David Halliday. There are just a few of the snippets of his life explored by EEWeb in their new Featured Engineer article which profiles Roysam inside and outside of his work.

EEWeb traces Roysam’s interest in electrical engineering back to his childhood in India, through his education in India and the U.S. to his career as a professor and administrator in university engineering programs. They also delve into the details of FARSIGHT, Roysam’s software toolkit used to provide biological insight to biomedical scientists. They also ask his advice for students toying with the idea of studying engineering, to which he says: “Engineering is truly the profession of the century.”

Read the full EEWeb feature here.

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