Houston energy professionals gathered for Subsea Engineering Industry Day on Tuesday, hosted by the UH Cullen College of Engineering and McDermott International Inc. The event focused on the UH Subsea Engineering Program, and included presentations by Cullen College Dean Joseph Tedesco and Program Director Matthew Franchek. Participants from various companies shared their thoughts on what the program currently offers in relation to employee training and research needs of the subsea industry.
Leading the first subsea engineering program in the country, Franchek seeks collaborative relationships with members of the oil and gas community for input into the future development of the certificate program as well as a Master of Science in subsea engineering.
The cooperative planning effort demonstrates the program’s focus on benefitting the economic development of the greater Houston region. Franchek emphasized that ongoing engagement with industry leaders and experts is critical to ensure the program offerings align with the needs of those working in petroleum sectors. Recommendations for program advisory board membership, suggestions for course content and delivery, and identification of industry personnel who may become lecturers for the program were solicited and will be continually sought.
The subsea certificate curriculum is designed for engineers and recent Bachelor of Science graduates. Courses are taught in the evening by industry professionals and offer practical training in flow assurance, pipeline design, riser design, materials and corrosion, subsea processing and artificial lift, and subsea controls and systems engineering.