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NSBE Hosts Its Largest Career Fair
Tara Wijnanda Mullee, Public Relations Intern

The University of Houston National Society of Black Engineers' 26th Annual Engineering and Technical Career Fair brought together 39 companies and over 700 students.

It was the largest career fair ever organized by the NSBE's UH chapter, according to Curll C. Dowden, senior chemical engineering student and NSBE career fair chair. "The Career Fair has increased in size and attendance every year since I took it over in 1999. I look forward to doing it again next year, and making it even bigger and better."

The University Hilton's Grand Ballroom was bustling Sept. 26 with UH students majoring in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics and business. Interested students waited in lines to talk to company representatives who explained the goals and available internships and jobs at their companies.

"It definitely helped me," said Marcha Thomas-Blades, senior chemical engineering student. "What I like about this career fair is that the companies tell you exactly what they're looking for and you get a feel for what it would be like working for them."

In addition to speaking directly with company representatives, UH students also had the opportunity to circulate their résumés. Before the career fair, approximately 580 students delivered their résumés to the NSBE student office, where they were scanned onto a CD and given to each participating company.

At the career fair, company representatives eager to attract students to their tables handed out free t-shirts, pens and keychains. Companies such as Halliburton and Schlumberger set up diagrammatic displays, while Lyondell-Citgo presented a slide show.

Baker Hughes employee Laura Matthews was impressed by the caliber of the students. "The UH students we've seen seem very interested. They have done some research and know a little about the company and the industry. There are some high quality engineering students that we've talked to and we hope to hire several of these students."

There were also companies like Anheuser-Busch Inc., which has engineering departments in each of their 12 breweries and two theme parks (Sea World and Busch Gardens). "We seek electrical and computer engineering majors and also chemical engineering majors," said Keven Hurst of Anheuser-Busch Inc. "Many of our engineers are project managers."

For students interested in the environment, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission was at the career fair specifically looking for science and engineering majors of any discipline to work as a regulatory force policing water, waste and air in Texas.

The revenue collected from company fees will provide funding for NSBE's academic programs, such as tutoring students, establishing academic incentive awards, upgrading the reference library and study facilities, increasing the recruitment of minority engineering students and developing a series of professional awareness programs.

After the career fair, many of the students gathered outside the engineering buildings for the annual Beginning of Semester Party, where they played volleyball, visited with faculty and fellow classmates, listened to music while eating barbeque and enjoyed the weather.

The Cullen College of Engineering, Engineering Alumni Association and engineering student organizations hosted the party.

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