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BME Fellow Attends Synthetic Biology Course
Melanie Ziems

The department of biomedical engineering at the Cullen College regularly produces students who travel all over the world in the name of academia. Komal Rasaputra, post-doctoral fellow in biomedical engineering, works in the May Multiscale Immunobiology Design Algorithms and Simulation (MIDAS) Lab under the direction of Elebeoba May, associate professor of biomedical engineering. She was awarded a $750 fellowship to attend the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York for a course held over the summer. The course, “Synthetic Biology,” took place over a two-week period.

“I not only benefited from the cutting edge hands on training in synthetic biology, I also had an opportunity to interact with Dr. James Watson. We would see him several times during the course period and chat with him on several occasions,” Rasaputra said. Watson is an American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953.

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