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John Lee Offers Expertise on U.S. Shale Oil Marketplace
Melanie Ziems

Cullen College of Engineering professor of petroleum engineering Dr. John Lee has once again offered his expertise on the U.S. shale oil market, appearing in articles in the Business Recorder as well as the Orlando Sentinel.

Both articles focus on the predicted future of shale reserves in the United States. In the Sentinel article, “U.S. proved crude reserves reach 36-year high on shale oil,” Lee reminds consumers that while the future estimates of shale reserves are optimistic, it’s important to remember that “there is uncertainty in that number.”

In “U.S. oil reserves jump on shale but gas tumbles in 2012: EIA,” which appeared on the Business Recorder website on April 11, Lee focused on the financial impact of the future shale estimates, saying Texan oil fields are better connected to pipeline infrastructure and better equipped to transfer shale oil to markets. “It's just really return on investment-driven. The money is going to go where the opportunity is more attractive. Directionally, Eagle Ford is looking competitively attractive compared to other places,” he said.

Read “U.S. proved crude reserves reach 36-year high on shale oil” here.
Read “U.S. oil reserves jump on shale but gas tumbles in 2012: EIA” here.

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